Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 5

Yesterday was the fifth day of the challenge... So we thought it would be a good time to change some of our ads that we're using for split testing.

Within the adgroup for studio campaigns, one ad "Perfect Family Portraits" has been performing a lot better than the other ad, so we kept the successful ad and are now trialling a new ad entitled "Strike a Pose".

As this has been the adgroup attracting the most interest, we also thought it might be worthwhile testing an ad as Gaeilge. We decided to roughly model this ad on our most successful ad in English, so this one is now running on Adwords as well.

For the mobile studio, both our split tested ads have been performing similarly... However, we still thought it worthwhile to trial a new ad, this time promoting both the mobile studio as well as their studio in Rathmines. This ad has replaced the previous ad running with the least interest over the last 4 days.

We'll prob leave these new ads going for the next 4-5 days, and then reassess and trial some more!

That's all the news from day 5!


Monday, March 30, 2009

Days 3 & 4

Over the weekend, things quietened down a bit, which was actually the opposite of what we predicted would happen! Although traffic to the site was slower than the previous weekdays, we still achieved a number of clicks and used up our daily budget on both days.. So I think the ads were useful for attracting traffic to the sites on typically slow days.

We noticed a bit of a problem with the content targeting on Saturday - that the ads were being targeted across all types of sites globally by Google!! Ooops. Luckily, we were able to rectify that pretty quickly.

So far its been a great learning experience - but no matter how much preparation we'd done, there's always something that crops up to surprise us!! And I'm sure there's a lot more to come...

Day 2

Well, day 2 went a lot more smoothly than day 1! After removing a few keywords from the campaign, our budget lasted a lot longer for the day and we appeared to have a more successful CTR. We played around with the keywords a little bit more, removing any misleading words such as "photos" and replacing them with more targeted words like "photographer" or "photography". We added some extra negative keywords also, to improve our targeting further. Our clicks doubled on the previous day, so a definite improvement!!
Bella x

Friday, March 27, 2009

Day 1

Went live at last! After so long learning in theory it was great to finally try it out. We set everything up easily enough and sat back and enjoyed seeing Picturehouse Photography move to number one on search! Then disaster struck a few short hours later when I got a panicked phone call from Ronan to report we’d used 5% of our budget in less than 4 hours!!!!
We realized our mistake immediately-the keywords baby pictures and kids photos were too broad and had several hundred impression and some expensive clicks at around 2 dollars each!
We’ve made the changes back to our more sedate but relevant keyword list and fingers crossed that’s our one and only mistake!!! On a plus though there has been a fair amount of activity looking for family photographer which is our target market-we just need them to click through now!
Here’s hoping tomorrow goes smoother!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Two days to go!

Wow what a week it’s been with Paddy’s day madness followed by Ireland winning the Grand Slam in rugby for the first time in 61 years!!! It was a day of huge pride for Irish people worldwide-I still can’t believe how amazing the match was! With all the celebrations we haven’t been posting lately but this will change as…...we will be starting our campaign on Thursday!

We submitted our pre-campaign report last week so just a few last minute details to sort out with the client and we’re all set!

Since Picturehouse Photography changed their website the traffic has increased so we’re hoping with our AMAZING campaign efforts we’ll be on to a winner:)

We're all really looking forward to getting started now!

Talk soon


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Time to Celebrate!!

Hi -Roisin here-this is my first post:)
So we finally finished the pre-campaign Strategy report this evening and we’re nearly ready to go!!
We’re feeling the need for a celebratory team night out but going to wait a few days….With St Patrick’s Day just around the corner Dublin will be buzzing all week long so a few beers will be had:)
We’ll post some photos of the team’s celebrations early next week. There’s lots of cultural events organized around the city that I think I’ll be popping along to. Have a look at: http://www.stpatricksfestival.ie/cms/home.html the celebrations seem to get bigger every year!
I’m definitely going to the Spheres show at the Docklands-I actually saw this act ‘Strange Fruit’ a few years ago in Melbourne at the Commonwealth Games celebrations and thought they were amazing!! You can find them at http://www.strangefruit.net.au/ a seriously talented bunch:)
Des from Picturehouse just rang me and their new and improved website is now up and running-have a look at http://www.picturehousephotography.ie
Let us know what you think of it!
Talk to you after the weekend
Rois xx

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pre-Campaign Strategy

Well, myself and the guys met yesterday to tidy up our pre-campaign strategy report.

We showed it to our lecturer last week and she gave us some great advice (Thanks Edel!!). So while sitting in the Bald Barista enjoying some lovely hot chocolates, we came across a few details that needed changing... which meant we had to contact the lads at Picturehouse Photography (our client).

They're really looking forward to going live next week and are finalising changes to their website. If you fancy a look the address is www.picturehousephotography.ie/ we will be sorting out some links for this page soon as well.

Meeting up with Ronan and Roisin tomorrow to finish off the report for hand-in on Thurs - wish us luck!

TTFN Bella xx

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Technorati Profile

Just to Put A Face to the Names...

Now who wouldn't want to be in partnership with this lot.......


And So It Begins....

Welcome to our new Blog y'all!

Here you will find our daily update of the highs and lows of our bid to win the 2009 Google Online Marketing Challenge!

Our partnership with the guys at Picturehouse Photography in Rathmines, Co. Dublin, will establish Picturehouse Photography as the premier provider of Family Portraits in the Irish Capital!

For more info. on the guys over at Picturehouse Photography check out their website below

We aim to go live with the Challenge by the end of March so make sure you click below to follow us for all the info. on our progress.

So Till Next Time

Slán go Fóill